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EpicGuide:Tangent Technologies
From Neocron Wiki
Tangent Technologies Epic Guide
Mission 1 - Delivery - Required Rank:10
A delivery job where you should meet with the NEXT Director of Operations, the Diamond Real Estate Broker and a dubious contact in Pepper Park 03.
Mission Rewards
- 5,000 Experience Points to all Main Skills
- 1,000 NC credits
Mission 2 - Persuade - Required Rank:20
Mission Rewards
- 10,000 Experience Points to all Main Skills
Mission 3 - Required Rank:30
Tangent wants more information about the BioTech project. You should meet a contact at the Catlock Bay in E 12 in the Wastelands. His name is Gruber Zakashi.
Mission Rewards
- 15,000 Experience Points to all Main Skills
- 5,000 nc credits
Mission 4 - Required Rank:35
Tangent wants some Fallen Angels killed. Your task is to tell Max Delavare about that plan. He can be found in Outzone 5. After you have done all that is necessary you can meet with Benjamin Kaine in the Industrial district 2.
Mission Rewards
- 17,500 Experience Points to all Main Skills
- 10,000 nc credits
Mission 5 - Required Rank:40
Your task is to see Figaro in the Pepper Park 03 district
Mission Rewards
- 20,000 Experience Points to all Main Skills
- 20,000 NC credits
Mission 6 - Required Rank:45
It is of vital importance that Tangent gets the weapon job from the CityAdmin. To ensure that BioTech will not be able to compete you will have to take drastic actions. Your task is to meet Andressa near the BioTech HQ and then go and kill the BioTech director of operations.
Mission Rewards
- 22,500 Experience Points to all Main Skills
- 100,000 NC credits
- A choice between 1 of the following weapons: