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- New test server patch #617 has been released to Vedeena
Placeable turrets provide an extra security layer for any captured Outpost, making it harder for attackers to recapture it or simply prevent very small groups from ninja capping naked OP for themselves. They are also a way for Constructors to directly contribute to fighters defending the place.
Placing a turret
Turrets can be placed anywhere inside any own Outpost where there is solid ground. Simply use them from your inventory window and if the place is accepted, the security package gonna be consumed and the turret will spawn on the runner's feet. Turrets require a significant investment into Construction skill, best models require up to 250 skill. Double-check the place, because you cannot move the existing turret that has been placed and they cost a significant amount of money.
Turret behaviour
By default, turrets will attack on sight anyone from a faction that is hostile to a faction affiliated with a clan that owns the Outpost. You can change security settings in any CityCom. Go to Info - Outpost - Select the Outpost you own - Edit Security then click one of the links with the desired security level. If any of the turrets is destroyed, it will broadcast a message in Clan channel that there is a security breach.
- Attack none - the turrets won't attack anyone unless attacked on purpose
- Attack enemy - default setting, turrets will attack on sight members of hostile factions
- Attack not faction - turrets will attack on sight anyone that is not in the owner's faction, friendly or not
- Attack not clan - turrets will attack on sight anyone that is not in the owner's clan
Turret models
Turrets exist in a few different models depending on the need and damage type.
MG turret
Simple machinegun turret. Equivalent of Street rifle, deals damage. Short range, medium rate of fire.
- A&W Security Package: MG Turret Mk1
- A&W Security Package: MG Turret Mk2
- A&W Security Package: MG Turret Mk3
Laser turret
Turret with a mounted laser weapon. Equivalent of Laser rifle modded for High-Voltage Powercell. Deals damage. Medium range, slow rate of fire
- HEW Security Package: Laser Turret Mk1
- HEW Security Package: Laser Turret Mk2
- HEW Security Package: Laser Turret Mk3
Plasma turret
Turret with a mounted plasma weapon. Equivalent of Plasma rifle, deals Damage. Medium range, fast rate of fire
- HEW Security Package: Plasma Turret Mk1
- HEW Security Package: Plasma Turret Mk2
- HEW Security Package: Plasma Turret Mk3
Gatlin turret
Heavy machinegun turret. Equivalent of Gatlin rifle modded for Explosive Rounds. Deals and
damage. Medium range, fast rate of fire
Artillery turret
Shoots energy bolts in an arc with good range. Equivalent of Ball blast module. Deals damage and applies stack of Radiation Injury negative effect that deals additional
damage over time. Long range, medium rate of fire
- HEW Security Package: Artillery Turret Mk1
- HEW Security Package: Artillery Turret Mk2
- HEW Security Package: Artillery Turret Mk3
Stun-trap turret
It's not functional in current build of the game. From its visuals, it should work like Parashock Sanctum
Turrets can sometimes do "invisible damage" with no visual indicator, broken animation, and not even in the damage log. It depends on the location of the turret and its type, Mk3 being the most prone to this probably because of their increased model size.