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Regant was the first hereditary leader of Neocron and the son of Thor


In 2565 leadership of neocron was passed on from its conqueror Thor to his son Regant as Thor believed himself too old to govern the city. Regant seeking to develop Neocron into the greatest city of the new world. At this point the constrcution of York is nearing its completion. As a result of the insight gained from the ceres disks York has been organised as a city of the 22nd century and as sutch it is outfited with a rigid dome of the same design as the one that protected Tokio centuryes before. Regant however does not believe in the concept of a rigid dome and with the help of Caalron, the sucessor of Mecando, he creates a design for a magnetic shield that will reflect more than fifty percent of the radiation without a physical structure. Thus alowing Neocron to expand freely. Despite the shield the people of Neocron still suffers the efects of radiation disease and so Regant contacts the now 65 year old Ceres for a copy of the Ceres Disks to improve the design. Surpsiingly however Ceres refuses citing his warnings against the bloodshed in Thors conquest of neocron and refusing all partnership with the people of city. Regant however insisted on his right to acess the disk pointing out that without his father help they would have never been recovered. Ceres however is persistant in his wievs and Regant is left no choice but to give up on his plans.

Years later as Neocron is ravaged by a terible plague Regant turns once again to Ceres pleading him to let the disks be searched for a cure. Ceres however states that the plague is the vengance of The God Of The Blinding Light sent as a punishment for the senseless bloodshed of Thor. Beside himself with rage, and failure to comprehend why Ceres would allow the demise of so many innocent souls, Regnat declares that there shall be more bloodshed and sumons up his troops for an assault on York. Regant orders his PSI monks to utilise theyr knowledge of genetic engineering to create a stronger and more robust soldier. The monks intensely persue this task creating a prototype ,within just a few months, wich they call the Tank. Outfited with armored vehicles based on the design of 22nd century tanks regent now has the army he needs to assault the Dome Of York. Regant Issue an ultimatum to Ceres stating that the knowledge contained within the Ceres disks should be acessibel to all of mankind and that if Ceres will not make the discs acessible to everyone within the year of 2577 he will ensure the spread of the knowledge by force.

Ceres responds by declaring the disks his property and that neocron has benefited more than eanough from the knwoledge. In response regant deployed his army of Gentanks in an atempt to conquer the dome with a blitz ofensive. He failed however to take into acount the domes defenses. His warriors found the area around York litered with mines and spring guns and those who made it through faced the warriors of york piloting theyr Warbots. What shouldve been a short offensive campaign develops into the longest military conflict in the history of the new world. Sometime near the end of the war however Ceres scientists discovered the plans for an atomic bomb that would only destroy unprotected biological material and leave his warriors unscaved within theyr warbots. H did not hessitate to detonate this device over the battlefield and thousands of Gentanks fell victim to the radiation. Ragnts PSI monks however had already ciopyed the shielding of the Warbots and used it to develop a new armored suit that would not only protect the wearer but also enhance reflexes and capabilities. With the tanks protected from radiation and their powers signifigantly augmented by these power armos Regants army soon overan and conquered the dome. With the government overthrown and Ceres executed in public Regant seized all of the Ceres Disks and, as promised, opened up theyr knowledge to the people. A new leader for the dome was apointed from the ranks of Regants own administration and peace again setled over the new world. During this peace the PSI monks rose to positions of power in society taking control of the military. Regant however sufering heavily from the efects of radiation disease lost influence within the city. In the year 2611 Regant dies and his chosen sucessor is soon found murdered. The PSI monks take controle of the city in his stead.

Curent events

More than a hundred years after his reported death by radiation disease Regant has seemingly reapeared working towards an unknown goal. Weather this is in fact the historical Regant or an imposter remains to be seen.

This new Regant has been credited as the mastermind behind several events including sabotaging Neocrons food suply and the apearance of highly inteligent mutants near the ruins of the old Regants Fortress. He has also been credited with the murder of Lioon Reza aswell as several assaults on neocron.

Most recently H.I.O.B has taken credit for defeating Regant and security vidos of a secret lab below Gaya Mine shows him being shut inside a room and bound to a Gene Replicator there doomed by the hacknet terrorist to an endless cycle of deaths an rebirth's.