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EpicGuide:Brotherhood of Crahn

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Originally Written by NC, Brought to THWiki and updated by Dragonett

Brotherhood of Crahn Headquaters located in Pepper Park 3.

Addition help provided by Techhaven Maps, especially the all in one map - Techhaven Maps

Mission 1 - Required Rank: */ 10

For this mission, carry with you: 1 x Stiletto

Icon-lightbulb.pngCheck navray for local melee weapon shop in PepperPark 3.

  • To start the mission talk to registrar in Crahn HQ.
  • Talk to Mark Cole in Pepper Park 3 near Construction Facility. Talk and give him the stiletto.
  • Talk to Father Manus in Crahn HQ Sec.
  • Talk to registrar in Crahn HQ Sec.

Mission 2 - Required Rank: */ 20

For this mission, carry with you: 1 x Medkit

  • To start the mission talk to registrar in Crahn HQ
  • Talk to Brother Gabriel in PepperPark 3, near entrance to Crahn HQ. Talk and give him the Medkit.
  • Kill & Loot Raymon in Outzone 3.

Icon-lightbulb.pngUse map indicated above as guide.

Icon-lightbulb.pngGoto Industrial A Sector 2 (Genrep center of map lower section) and head north into Outzone 3. Looking south, turn right and enter door, follow to edge and drop down to Raymon
  • Talk to Father Manus in Crahn HQ Sec

Mission 3 - Required Rank: */ 30

  • To start the mission talk to registrar in Crahn HQ
  • Talk to Mark Cole in PepperPark 3
  • Kill & loot Calvin and Drakkhan in Outzone 4 to get Corytium chemical

Icon-lightbulb.pngUse map indicated above as guide and go armed for mobs between levels 8 and 36

Icon-lightbulb.pngMission states 3, but she is to the right on entrance to Tangent Technologies
  • Talk to Registrar in Crahn HQ to finish this mission

Mission 4 - Required Rank: */ 35

  • To start the mission talk to registrar in Crahn HQ
  • Talk to Father Agnus in Outzone Church, Outzone 9

Icon-lightbulb.pngUse map indicated above as a guide, Route - Industrial A Sec 2 :Lab gen rep, then head north. Outzone 3, go south and south east to Outzone 9
  • Kill 2 Tsunami Syndicate NPC of any rank.

Icon-lightbulb.pngYou can find two pimp's working for Tsunami around PepperPark 1

Icon-lightbulb.pngYou will get a "Mission Objective Completed!" message if the NPC kill is valid.
  • Talk to Father Agnus in Outzone Church, Outzone 9
  • Kill & Loot Tacholytium Titan Warbot in Gaia Mine Sec 2 located at F-13 *DANGEROUS Copbots in area - Go with knowledgeable friend*

Icon-lightbulb.pngYou will need to kill the Warbot to receive the "Mission Successfull" messege, but if your rank is too high the mission item you are to collect wont drop in the loot. Either lower your rank, or bring someone with a lower rank with you, the Warbot was around 40/40 or 50/50. You do not need the mission to get the loot from the Warbot.
  • Talk to Father Agnus in Outzone Church, Outzone 9 to complete mission.

(Thanks to Runner Barbie Rian for escort through Gaia Mine down to the Warbot and helping me confirm this epic mission.)

Mission 5 - Required Rank: */ 40

  • To start the mission talk to registrar in Crahn HQ
  • Talk to Farther Morpheus in Crest Village, C-08
  • Kill & loot Vaskulus in Crystal Cave (Redrock Mine Sector) H-08

Icon-lightbulb.pngArea is swarming with cyborgs, hoverbots and other nasty kill on sight monsters. Be prepared and ask experianced friend to show the way.

Icon-lightbulb.pngIn sector D-07 has a cave on south road. This place is confirmed as a location for Vaskulus

  • Kill & loot Galpoticus in Catlock Bay sector, E12

Icon-lightbulb.pngRepear Galpoticus is located in big pack of monsters. Advise caution and possible high level droner to run diversion whilst you kill and loot

  • Talk to Father Teresa in Ancient Yucida Village at K13
  • Talk to Father Morpheus in Crest Village, in C08 to complete.

(I would like to thank Runners - Lucky Luck and Wahn Sinn for help confirming and completing this section)

Mission 6 - Required Rank: */ 45

  • To start the mission Talk to Registrar in Crahn HQ
  • Talk to Kev Critter at Blackmist Garbage Dump at F09

Icon-lightbulb.pngTo make this trip easier, ask friend who has a Rhino Tank, to travel from Desert Race Track G-10, then return here after speaking to Kev Critter, use genrep to point red and back when Psi-Spider is killed to redo run to Kev Critter.

  • Kill & loot Psi-Spider at Point Red
  • Talk to Kev Critter at Blackmist Garbage Dump at F09
  • Talk to Mark Cole, near PepperPark 3 exit Genrep
  • Kill & loot Taylor Gomez in Secret Passage 2

Icon-lightbulb.pngThis is difficult run either way. You have 2 choices. Use Bum Asylum, top side PepperPark 3, turn right and open wall into Tsunami secret area, running through, down to secret passage 2, or run the long way using allinone map indicated above.

  • Talk to Father Agnus in the Outzone Church, Outzone 9 to complete epic.