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Clan:After Dark

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After Dark can be found on the Terra server
It is part of the Tangent Technologies
This article is information on a Clan - Information contained within is standardised by the Clan Policies and story and information may not be related to the Neocron world or Lore.

About -After Dark-

After Dark is a Tangent Technologies clan on the server Terra.

-After Dark- is a group of tight knit friends, some of whom have been playing in this clan for years and others for not as long. We focus primarily on PvP but some of our members are very avid PvEers and item collectors. We offer a fun, relaxed environment to game in, when we fight we'd like to win but understand this will not always be the case so we take PvP lightly, we do it for the fun of it.

You can find the -After Dark- out of game forums [HERE]

Current Leader

  • Mad Jake