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- New test server patch #595 has been released to Vedeena
Pathfinder Missions
The CityMerc Pathfinders need your help! Pathfinder recruiters near the entrance to each major hub will direct runners to the numerous Pathfinder bases, starting with J-05 and Crest Village in C-05.
Pathfinder bases are ranked by danger-level:
- Green-band: C-08 (Crest Village) and J-05.
- Orange-band: F-04, H-08, J-10 (El Farid), and E-12 (Catlock Bay).
- Red-band: K-15 (Escador Oasis) and I-16.
Green-band missions (Grassland)
Runners can complete either the Grassland (C-08) or Wasteland (J-05) assignments first. After completing both sets, runners will be directed to the Orange-band swamp base in F-04 which is where the missions become sequential.
Mission 1 - Grassland Assignments (1/2) - Required Rank:/40
Mission Rewards
- 20,000 NC credits
- XP depending on class
- Private Eye: 600,000 XP in Dexterity
- Spy: 2,000,000 XP in Dexterity
- Tank: 2,000,000 XP in Strength
- Psi Monk: 2,000,000 XP in Psychic power
Mission 2 - Grassland Assignments (2/2)
Mission Rewards
- 30,000 NC credits
- XP depending on class
- Private Eye: 180,000 XP in Constitution
- Spy: 2,000,000 XP in Intelligence
- Tank: 2,000,000 XP in Constitution
- Psi Monk: 2,000,000 XP in Intelligence
- Choice of item (Reward pool is shared with J05 mission. If you do this series of missions second, you will get a reward from the Wasteland mission section below)
- Melee weapon Tangent High-Voltage Shocker
- Heavy combat weapon Plasma Cannon
- Pistol weapon Fusion Pistol
- Rifle weapon Plasma Rifle
- Drone HEW Missile Assault Drone MR-3
- Passive PSI module Crahn Blessed Creature Focus CAG 3
- Aggressive PSI module Crahn Blessed Toxic Beam
Green-band missions (Wasteland)
Mission 1 - Wasteland Assignments (1/2) - Required Rank:/40
Mission Rewards
- 30,000 NC credits if convinced the Mutant Prisoner to decrypt the data
- XP depending on class
- Private Eye: 600,000 XP in Dexterity
- Spy: 2,000,000 XP in Dexterity
- Tank: 2,000,000 XP in Strength
- Psi Monk: 2,000,000 XP in Psychic power
Mission 2 - Wasteland Assignments (2/2)
Mission Rewards
- 30,000 NC credits
- XP depending on class
- Private Eye: 180,000 XP in Constitution
- Spy: 2,000,000 XP in Intelligence
- Tank: 2,000,000 XP in Constitution
- Psi Monk: 2,000,000 XP in Intelligence
- Choice of item (Reward pool is shared with C08 mission. If you do this series of missions first, you will get a reward from the Grassland section above)
- Melee weapon Tangent High-Voltage Shocker or Long Laserblade
- Heavy combat weapon Ryker 'Vulcano' Grenade Launcher
- Pistol weapon RayGun pistol
- Rifle weapon R-AS331 Raygun
- Drone HEW Raygun Battle Drone RG-3
- Passive PSI module Crahn Holy Damageboost
- Aggressive PSI module Crahn Holy Fireball
Orange-band missions (Swampland)
After completing both sets of Green-band missions, runners will be directed to the Pathfinder Swamp Commander in F-04. Before you start buy 4 of the following drugs, for example in Crest Village:
Mission 1 - Swampland Assignments (1/2) - Required Rank:(Complete C08 and J05 first)
Mission Rewards
- 25.000 NC
- XP depending on class
- Private Eye: 1,250,000 XP in Dexterity
- Spy: 5,000,000 XP in Dexterity
- Tank: 5,000,000 XP in Strength
- Psi Monk: 5,000,000 XP in Psychic power
Mission 2 - Swampland Assignments (2/2) - Required Rank:(Complete C08 and J05 first)
Mission Rewards
- 25000 NC
- XP depending on class
- Private Eye: 375,000 XP in Constitution
- Spy: 5,000,000 XP in Intelligence
- Tank: 5,000,000 XP in Constitution
- Psi Monk: 5,000,000 XP in Intelligence
- 2x Stamina Booster 4
- 2x PSI Booster 4
- 2x Survival Kit V2
- 2x Resist Potion: Energy
- 2x Resist Potion: Piercing
- 2x Resist Potion: Fire
- 2x Resist Potion: Force
- 2x Resist Potion: Xray
- 2x Resist Potion: Poison
Orange-band missions (Mountain)
After completing the Swamp missions, runners will be directed to the Pathfinder Mountain Commander in H-08.
- Bring a vehicle with you for this part.
Mission 1 - Mountain Assignments (1/2) - Required Rank:(Complete F04 first)
Mission Rewards
- 25.000 NC
- XP depending on class
- Private Eye: 1,250,000 XP in Dexterity
- Spy: 5,000,000 XP in Dexterity
- Tank: 5,000,000 XP in Strength
- Psi Monk: 5,000,000 XP in Psychic power
Mission 2 - Mountain Assignments (2/2) - Required Rank:(Complete F04 first)
Mission Rewards
- 25.000 NC
- XP depending on class
- Private Eye: 375,000 XP in Constitution
- Spy: 5,000,000 XP in Intelligence
- Tank: 5,000,000 XP in Constitution
- Psi Monk: 5,000,000 XP in Intelligence
- Choice of item
- Melee weapon Sharpened Stiletto
- Heavy combat weapon NCPD TriDe Fusion Cannon
- Pistol weapon Ryker Atomfist FP-26 Fusion Pistol
- Rifle weapon Tangent Lightbringer 2 FR-345
- Drone A&W Marksman Assault Drone RF-4
- Passive PSI module Crahn Holy Spy Booster
- Aggressive PSI module Crahn Holy Frozen Ball Blast
- Cryton HT-TL75 Hacktool
Orange-band missions (Desert)
After completing the Mountain missions, runners will be directed to the Pathfinder Desert Commander in J-10.
- Optional to bring a vehicle with you for this part.
Mission 1 - Desert Assignments (1/2) - Required Rank:(Complete H08 first)
Mission Rewards
- 25.000 NC
- XP depending on class
- Private Eye: 2,000,000 XP in Dexterity
- Spy: 8,000,000 XP in Dexterity
- Tank: 8,000,000 XP in Strength
- Psi Monk: 8,000,000 XP in Psychic power
Mission 2 - Desert Assignments (2/2) - Required Rank:(Complete H08 first)
Mission Rewards
- 25.000 NC
- 5 Random Tech-parts
- XP depending on class
- Private Eye: 600,000 XP in Constitution
- Spy: 8,000,000 XP in Intelligence
- Tank: 8,000,000 XP in Constitution
- Psi Monk: 8,000,000 XP in Intelligence
Orange-band missions (Canyon)
After completing the Desert missions, runners will be directed to the Pathfinder Canyon Commander in E-12.
- Bring Poison Armors + AOE in your arsenal
Mission 1 - Canyon Assignments (1/2) - Required Rank:(Complete J10 first)
Mission Rewards
- 25.000 NC
- Access to the Pathfinder Grenades.
- XP depending on class
- Private Eye: 2,000,000 XP in Dexterity
- Spy: 8,000,000 XP in Dexterity
- Tank: 8,000,000 XP in Strength
- Psi Monk: 8,000,000 XP in Psychic power
Mission 2 - Canyon Assignments (2/2) - Required Rank:(Complete J10 first)
Mission Rewards
- 25.000 NC
- The Crocodile Quad
- XP depending on class
- Private Eye: 600,000 XP in Constitution
- Spy: 8,000,000 XP in Intelligence
- Tank: 8,000,000 XP in Constitution
- Psi Monk: 8,000,000 XP in Intelligence
Red-band missions (Desert)
After completing the Canyon missions, runners will be directed to the Pathfinder Desert Commander (another one) in K-15.
- Bring Inquisition Armors and maybe a vehicle.
Mission 1 - Desert Assignments (1/2) - Required Rank:(Complete E12 first)
Mission Rewards
- 50.000 NC
- XP depending on class (needs updating)
- Private Eye: 3,500,000 XP in Dexterity
- Spy: 14,000,000 XP in Dexterity
- Tank: 14,000,000 XP in Strength
- Psi Monk: 14,000,000 XP in Psychic power
Mission 2 - Desert Assignments (2/2) - Required Rank:(Complete E12 first)
Mission Rewards
- 100.000 NC
- Grim Chaser Trophy
- XP depending on class (needs updating)
- Private Eye: 1,050,000 XP in Constitution
- Spy: 14,000,000 XP in Intelligence
- Tank: 14,000,000 XP in Constitution
- Psi Monk: 14,000,000 XP in Intelligence
Red-band missions (Canyon)
After completing the Desert mission (K_15), runners will be directed to the Pathfinder Canyon Commander (another one) in I-16.
- Bring Duranium Armors and maybe a vehicle.
Mission 1 - Canyon Assignments (1/2) - Required Rank:(Complete K15 first)
Mission Rewards
- 50.000 NC
- XP depending on class (needs updating)
- Private Eye: 3,500,000 XP in Dexterity
- Spy: 14,000,000 XP in Dexterity
- Tank: 14,000,000 XP in Strength
- Psi Monk: 14,000,000 XP in Psychic power
Mission 2 - Canyon Assignments (2/2) - Required Rank:(Complete E12 first)
Mission Rewards
- 50.000 NC
- Explorers Knowledge CPU
- XP depending on class (needs updating)
- Private Eye: 1,050,000 XP in Constitution
- Spy: 14,000,000 XP in Intelligence
- Tank: 14,000,000 XP in Constitution
- Psi Monk: 14,000,000 XP in Intelligence