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Outposts are small installations within the wastelands between Neocron and the Dome of York. It is currently unkown who created them in the first place, however many small battles between factions have occured to gain control of the installations. Outposts give the holding clan, faction and side (Pro City and Anti City) a bonus to whatever the installation is used for, i.e. a Mine will give a bonus to their recycling skills.


An outpost is a very important player holderable installation which can be found within the wastelands. Only a clan is able to claim an outpost, however they are very contestable.

Outpost Type Bonus Type Holding Clan Holding Faction Holding Side Locations
Factory Construct (CST) +44 CST +33 CST +22 CST Rockshore Factory, Tyron Factory, McPhearson Factory, Simmons Factory, Eastgate Factory, Krupp Factory, Emmerson Factory, Malstrond Factory, Tezla Factory
Laboratory Research (RES) +44 RES +33 RES +22 RES Cycrow Lab, Jankins Lab, Nemesis Lab, Soliko Lab, Chester Lab, Syncon Lab
Mine Recycle (REC) +44 REC +33 REC +22 REC Ceres Mine, Redrock Mine, Grant Mine, Gabanium Mine, Avenger Mine, Yutano Mine
Uplink Hack (HCK) +44 HCK +33 HCK +22 HCK Gravis Uplink, Crest Uplink, Foster Uplink, Hawkins Uplink, Sieger Uplink, Tristar Uplink, Cajun Uplink, Northstar Uplink, Tescom Uplink

How to capture an Outpost

  • please expand on this subject. Volunteers required :)

Persons required to capture an outpost:

Hacker - to hack the outpost terminal