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Area MC5
Area MC5 exists in two forms:
- As the entrance to the Neocron world for a new runner. Once you exit you cannot return to this version.
- A challenging area for capped players in the Wastelands, offering powerful items and rare item parts as loot.
New Runner MC5
Within the relative safety of MC5, new runners have the opportunity to get to grips with the game and earn some starter cash before departing for the city. You cannot return to his version of Area MC5 once you exit.
Civil Advisors
Area MC5 (NPC) Civil Advisors can be found here who will offer information on your chosen class. There is one for each class, take the time to talk to them. You will find them inside the main building and also just outside the main building.
You can accept a mission for a sizable sum of extra NC credits and XP, the Area MC5 Mission (click for mission walkthrough). Afterward, Lorcan also has a mission (3x Solantium), upon completion of which he will forward the player to Ezra Reid who also has a mission (2x entrails), further on to Tasha with her mission (kill 5 small rattlesnake), on to Geordi with his mission (see his wiki page) and then to Wesley with a final mission (5x wood, 2x metal plate).
The items gathered from killing the mobs along the mission chain can be sold to the nomad traders at their camp in the area.
If all missions are done, one enters Neocron with a hand full of useful starter weapons, a set of armor, about 12000 credits and a rank of about 7 =~ 34 sum of all main skill levels.
Various mobs crawl the MC5 landscape providing XP.
Strange Cave
The strange cave offers your first opportunity to meet some of the various mobs to be found in Neocron. From the Level 1/1 Wee Crawler to the level 16/16 Big Iguana. Kill or be killed! Grab some XP Before you leave for the city.
Inside the main building is a vendor who sells weapons and ammo.Travel east of the main building to find a traders camp. The Nomads there sell various equipment, ranging from weapons, ammo and Medical Kits to tradeskill tools and basic implants. There is also a Nomad buying all your junk items, just like the Yo's in Neocron City do.
Exit the newbie Area MC5 using the GeneReplicator located to the left coming down out of the main building. You will be teleported to your Apartment. Outside, Mr. Jones will be waiting to welcome you to a set of newbie missions in order to get to know the city and its different sectors.
Story and Lore
Area MC5 forms the start of the runner's journey in the city of Neocron. The player is not given many details outright but from overheard audio and backstory it is clear a large portion of the Neocron population is frozen in cryo-sleep, a technology developed for the Irata III space program. The metaplot implies that the players are rebels who were captured and subjected to brainwashing to remove their loyalty to anti-city factions, which either did work (if the player character is pro-city) or failed because Twilight Guardian saboteurs have interrupted the "re-creation phase". Because of this sabotage the player character is woken up without memories and new loyalties, as well as none of their skills.
Area MC5 was discovered to be the center of a plot by Lioon Reza to recreate the Ceres War soldiers used in the First Neocron/Dome of York War. Remnants of the war were left wandering the wastes in many cases-- from warbots still roaming the wastes with long dead pilots sealed in their cockpits to ceres soldiers kept alive for untold decades by their cybernetic implants, but they became far more common in the lead up to the second Dome of York/Neocron War. Genetic testing by Protopharma revealed they were not from the war, but in fact were 'made' from runners 'disappeared' by Reeza. It is unknown but a logical speculation that the program to 'recreate' the ceres war cyborgs from data remaining from the Ceres Disks has something to do with this so-called "re-creation phase". There are two major possibilities.
The first is that player characters were part of this project and the Twilight Guardian sabotage interrupted the procedure of implanting the Ceres cybernetics and they were to become shock troopers. The second is that the Ceres replicas are made from failed brainwashing candidates. In this second possibility Reeza has security agents kidnap dissidents and rebel agents, they are then taken to MC5 and those who can be reconditioned are made into city-loyal runners while failed attempts are lobotomized and implanted with the Ceres implant sequence.
Capped Player MC5
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Area MC5 forms the start and the end of the Neocron journey, or it did originally. While much more high-level content has been added to the game over the years there is still only one source of the most powerful implants in the wasteland, the MC5 Base Commander and the parts he carries. You can return here to battle him and his security personnel in the conquest of rare parts to assemble for the coveted MC5 Implant Chips. .At first he was located inside the same base you start the game in, but due to concerns over map bugs he has been moved to a hill not far from the entrance to the MC5 complex itself.
Area MC5 can be found in the Wastelands sector H 14, but unlike all other wasteland sectors which can be simply walked into from anywhere, most of the paths into sector H-14 are blocked either by large fences or by the sheer cliffs of the canyon area of the northeastern wastes. There are several openings in the fence, the one north of Tesla Factory (entering H14 from the east) in the northeast section of H15 is most convenient to the base commander. Flying in is also an option but pilots should be wary because a desynch or losing a passenger is liable to be certain death. The fences make bringing a non-flying vehicle difficult if not impossible, the gates are not large enough to easily admit a rhino 4x4 or other large combat vehicle.
the MC5 mobs are dungeon-grade. Do not let the fact they are found in the open wasteland (now, since they were moved) fool you, they are difficult if not impossible to solo. The base commander has plenty of protection and while the guards do not drop MC5 parts without thinning them out attempting to loot the MC5 Base Commander is suicidal. A full team is best if you plan to farm MC5 implant parts.
Despite being the original endgame area, there are no missions or quests for Area MC5 as a capped character; being a critical source of the best implants necessary for good high-TL builds is more than enough reason to return to your roots.