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Psi effects

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Typical psionic effects acting on a PPU

The effects which can show up in the bottom right of the RPOS next to the quickbelt and above the runners health bar, these effects can either be positive, negative or consist of general information. Negative effects are usually accompanied with a stacking number to show how many of these "stacks" a runner has active on them.

Generally negative stacks can be cleared either by using drugs tailored to the removal of the damage type, or using psionic spells to remove them. Stacks cause damage over time (DoT) and are very important in Player vs. Player in the Neocron world. Next to any effects which are based on a timer is a bar indicating how long there is remaining to the effect, this could be the length of a drug, time before the psionic spell disipates, or the time left that the runner is recieving the damage from the effect.

Positive effects which can be shown on the RPOS


  • Bonus: Bonus to a subskill when being in a zone with Outpost captured by your faction or clan.
  • Construction: Construction, Recycle, Research or poking is in progress.
  • Intoxication: Under effect of drug or booze
  • Mail: There is a mail to be read in CityCom
  • Psi Manipulation: Under effect of ally PSI module, like healing or shield
Negative effects which can be shown on the RPOS


  • Burning: Fire damage over time
  • Contamination: Genotoxic damage over time
  • Electric Shock: Reduces your movement speed
  • High Voltage: Energy damage over time
  • Poisoning: Poison damage over time
  • Radiation Injury: X-ray damage over time
Nanite effects which can be shown on the RPOS


  • Nanite Activity: Indicator of current nanite activity in Runner body. If it exceeds 150 it will damage Runner's body.
  • Force Protect: Applies Force damage shield, reducing incoming Force damage.
  • Piercing Protect: Applies Force damage shield, reducing incoming Force damage.
  • Fire Protect: Applies Fire damage shield, reducing incoming Fire damage.
  • Energy Protect: Applies Energy damage shield, reducing incoming Energy damage.
  • Xray Protect: Applies X-Ray damage shield, reducing incoming X-Ray damage.
  • Poison Protect: Applies Poison damage shield, reducing incoming Poison damage.
  • Regeneration: Nanite healing is in progress