Choosing your Faction

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Revision as of 19:23, 13 November 2006 by CMaster (talk | contribs) (removed bias/inaccuracy in the side description. It certainly isn't true that all anti factions believe in "free speech")
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Choosing your faction is as simply as clicking the Faction you want to join; or is it...?

Factions can be very political in Neocron, you can play the game as you see fit, you may shoot anybody you see that is not "Law Enforced" (They have removed there LE chip). This is one of the best features of Neocron, they give you the choice whether to abide by the law, or screw the law and pay the prices.

In Neocron there are 2 main sides. Anti City and Pro City.

Explanations -

Anti-City (short for Anti-CityAdmin) refers to the Dome Alliance Factions. They are ones who, at birth, were given a virus which removed the brain washing that had happened during Cryogenic status. The anti-city factions are a mixed group, ranging from politcal groups through crime gangs and other associations. The Dome alliance side do have there own city, "The Dome Of York"

Pro-City (short for Pro-CityAdmin) refers to the factions who are allied to CityAdmin, but not necessarily to each other. The city factions are almost all very powerful megacorporations - even the government faction, CityAdmin are often considered to run themselves like a business. They are all based within the Viarosso and Plaza districts of Neocron and are all enemies of the DOY Alliance

Anti-City Factions

Pro-City Factions

Neutral Factions

Non Playable Factions