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Ranged weapons

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In the dark future of Neocron, ranged weapons are a very common sight on the streets. If it's just to exterminate vermin or settle an argument, good firepower makes the job easier. Ranged weapons have 3 categories, all with their advantages and drawbacks. Each category further splits into 2 types, simple mechanical weapons based on old designs or high tech energy weapons, called Lowtech or Hightech respectively. Low Tech weapons typically are easier to build due to not requiring Hightech combat to use, while High Tech weapons have more damage output after proper investment.

Fire mode

All firearms in the game can have one of three fire modes

  • Single shot - shoots once per click
  • 2 shot burst/Double barrel - shoots 2 projectiles at once, each with an independent chance to hit and instance of damage. Double barrel beam weapons shoot 2 beams in quick succession.
  • Burst - Several fast shots in quick succession, from 3 to 5 in a sequence.
Rate of fire

Amount of bullets shot within a minute on highest TL weapon in the family with 120% Frequency stat and capped character


Maximum distance that reticle will start to close on highest TL weapon, 120% range stat and capped character

Mag size

Amount of bullets you can shoot before reloading


Time to reload a new mag for weapon to start shooting again. Every weapon has shorter reload time than it's animation, and for current patch reload speed seem to constant among all firearms.

Projectile type

Type of projectile weapon uses

  • Hit-scan - projectile hits instantly, often without any tracer. Weapon still can miss depending on stats.
  • Projectile - projectile has travel time and can be dodged, depending on range you have to lead the shots. Projectiles can be homing, that means if the stats rolled a hit, they will follow the target. Target can avoid damage by colliding the projectile with map geometry.
Projectile speed

Approximate projectile speed measured at the shooting range.

Reticle influence

The reticle dictates the accuracy of the weapon. The speed of the reticle closes is indicated by Aiming and Handling stat of the weapon. Low accuracy will make the weapon miss the target, even if you aim it directly at the target hitbox.

Pistols A&W Colt Budget

Short-range weapons with low magazine capacity, but fast reload time and respectable damage output. Don't require much Weapon Lore to aim properly due to short distance to the target, but you are exposing yourself to more danger because you can't outrange the enemy. Mini rocket launcher is an AoE weapon, making leveling quite easy.

Lowtech Pistols
Hightech Pistols
Wisdom of Ceres Pistols

Rifles Mendicant Rifle

The polar opposite of pistols, rifles are designed to pick up distant targets. Most of enemies can be outranged if you have enough skill and precision to do so. Rifles require more points in Weapon Lore than other weapons. Damage output is comparable to pistols but this weapon type completely lacks of AoE making leveling quite tedious. Only AoE rifle in the game is very high TL quest reward, Rapture.

Lowtech Rifles
Hightech Rifles
Wisdom of Ceres Rifles

Heavy weapons Defender Rocket Launcher

Heaviest type of ranged weapons, but a mid-ground between Pistols and Rifles with a lot of AoE options. Heavy weapons rely on Strength instead of Dexterity making them perfect weapons for Gentanks.

Lowtech heavy weapons
Hightech heavy weapons